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Friday, July 11, 2008

Little Firecracker Surfer Girl

I know I promised a video this week, but I'm still having technical difficulty. I can't figure out how to download just a certain clip from our camera. Right now I can only download the entire disc and Kasey and I aren't too eager to share video from the delivery room. I will continue my quest this weekend because there is some good video of my little girl.

So last weekend we celebrated the Fourth of July and our Little Firecracker was kind of bored by the whole fireworks scene. You would think that the constant explosions, especially the ones that made you feel like you were in Afghanistan, would at least make Myla jump while she was sleeping. Nope. We took her to Judd and Laura's picnic and she basically either slept or was held from 5:00 until 10:00 without making so much as a peep. Here's a picture of her in her first patriotic outfit.

"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..."

We snapped a couple pictures of her sitting on the $25 "Riding Shotgun" firework that I bought, but Kasey is a little worried about Child Protective Services coming after us so those won't be published for public viewing.

One of the new things that we've tried with Myla is "tummy time." As you can see from most of the pictures so far, she loves to sleep on her tummy while being held. Well, I don't know what we would do without our tummy time surfboard because she just loves it, at least for a few minutes. This is another one of these ridiculous things that we absolutely don't need but it's pretty funny to pretend that she is paddling on her surfboard.

"Paddle, paddle!"

"Those girls from Blue Crush make it look so easy."

"Put your hands out like this...."

"...then you lift your head, no, no. Lift your head up straight. How do you expect to be a champion surfer with such weak neck muscles!"

While we've really enjoyed having all of our visitors come meet Myla, we're looking forward to some quality Matthew/Kasey/Myla time this weekend. On the agenda for the weekend is taking Myla to her first baseball game at the Silver Hawks and maybe buying a slip 'n slide. Despite what Kasey says, I think that Myla has shown enough progress on her tummy-time surfboard to take the next step on a slip 'n slide.

Myla is so easy going, we've found that we can get a lot of things done around the house and even around town. On Wednesday night we were itching to get out of the house, but couldn't find a babysitter. So we just propped Myla up in this big soft chair and ran out to get something to eat.

Don't worry. We were only gone for 45 minutes and this chair is so soft she couldn't hurt herself if she fell over. If the TV is on she'll sit there for hours.


Jen said...

The tummy time for Matthew and Myla is precious! LOVE it! She's getting so big!

Anonymous said...

It is great to see the updates. I'm glad to see Matthew is not expecting Myla to do anything he can't do himself.