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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Snow Day!

We got a lot of snow this weekend, much more than we expected. On Sunday, however, it was pretty sunny and warm out (I pause to cry about the fact that 27 degrees is considered warm in my world), so we thought we'd take Myla out for a few minutes to see what she thought of all the snow. As you can see from the pictures, Myla is as enthusiastic about the cold as her mother.

"Whatever it is we're about to go do, it can't be worth this ridiculousness."

Myla and Matthew

Myla and me on our deck.

"Myla lay there like a slug. It was her only defense."

1 comment:

kbfish said...

That poor little girl. Save her now and move south...Nashville???
27 degrees is our COLDEST day.
Aunt Kelly