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Friday, February 1, 2008

Baby Blaze Endorses Barack Obama

SOUTH BEND, IN - The next generation of the Blazejewski dynasty - South Bend's most well-connected political family - endorsed Barack Obama for president on Friday, with Baby Blaze calling him a "man with extraordinary gifts of leadership and character." "I can feel change going on out there somewhere," Baby Blaze said in remarks made shortly after her mom, Kasey, drank a glass of orange juice this morning.

"I have marveled at his grit, grace, and ability to relate to babies from all different types of backgrounds" she said. Baby Blaze's endorsement was ardently sought by the camps of all of the remaining presidential contenders, and she delivered it at a pivotal time in the race. A young, fiery debater, in her second trimester, Baby Blaze is in a position to help Obama court the toddler voter as well as Babies-R-Us sales associates, two key elements of the Democratic Party.

Baby Blaze's parents also endorsed Obama from their front porch before a handful of people, including a guy driving a snow plow, the mailman, and the groundhog that lives in their backyard. "Today isn't just about politics for me. It's personal," Obama, 46, said when it came time for him to speak. "I was too distracted with my own career to remember the successful student government campaign Baby Blaze's dad, Matthew, ran in 1994, but I've been told it was something magical. And I was busy supporting the causes of the people of Illinois when Kasey ran for SGA at UK in 1996. But in the stories I heard, I saw how my grandparents and mother spoke about them, and about that period in our nation's life - as a time of great hope and achievement. To receive the endorsement of the first child of two great political figures like Matthew and Kasey moves me to tears...."

Baby Blaze had remained on the sideline of the presidential campaign for months, saying she was friends with Obama, McCain, Big Red in the Bend, Anna Banana, and some cute boy she had seen at the Farmer's Market last weekend. Lately, according to several associates, Baby Blaze became angered with what she viewed as "Stalin-like" comments by Hillary Clinton when she proposed that recess time in schools be eliminated and replaced with an extra science class. "I understand the need to improve the education system in this country, but getting rid of recess? That's just un-American. I told my mom that if I was born into that kind of world we better move to Canada before I start school."

"The world is changing and will never be the same once I arrive sometime in the middle of June. The old ways will not do. ... It is time for a new generation of leadership. So it is with Barack Obama," she added.

1 comment:

Andy said...

That Baby Blaze is already sounds smarter than I have ever been or ever will be...