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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Yes, you read that right. This week it's parent-teacher conferences at Myla's day care. Matthew joked last night that they were going to say things like "We feel that Myla is not serious about her studies," or "Myla is not living up to her potential." I mean, what could they say about a 17-month old?

As it turns out, plenty! They had a great two-page form rating her level of development in different areas. She either got a "very good," "good," or "needs work" (the latter is the Notre Dame HR's equivalent of "opportunity for improvement"). Myla was doing very well in most areas, and even got an exclamation point on knowing her body parts, since her teacher said she just went on and on naming things and Myla knew them all! She also got "very goods" in things like stacking and building, turning pages, scribbling, and responding to simple directions.

Her "needs works" were mostly in the area of verbal communication. Myla is a fluent babbler and signer, but doesn't use too many words yet (mommy, daddy, up, teddy, and, oddly enough, "teeth"). No cause for concern at all, but it was nice to hear the teachers say they do exercises with her and challenge her to use words. I have a feeling she'll just open the floodgates one day soon and the words will come pouring out.

I did also ask if she played with any of her classmates more than others, and I learned that she is buddies with Brady and Hailey. And from my own personal observations, I think Micah has a crush on her. He always runs to greet her when she arrives and this morning he helped her take her coat off. Such a gentleman. :)

That's it for parent-teacher conferences. Do we have a big girl or what?


kbfish said...

So cute. The only thing Myla "needs work" in is seeing her Aunt Kelly MUCH more. This 4 month dry spell I'm working on is KILLING me!
Aunt Kelly

Nana said...

What a star!! And anyone that has a crush on Myla had better be a gentleman.