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Monday, April 26, 2010

Word Play

For at least a couple of months, Myla has been in the fascinating process of developing speech. She now knows literally hundreds of words, and I never cease to be amazed when she pulls a new one out (hummus? sunshine? heavy? push-up? gross?).

Some of the best moments, though, come from her missteps. Here are a few words she says that aren't quite right--see if you can guess what they mean:

A. Peech-a-poo
B. Che-pup
C. Pie-low
D. Nogrrr

Answers: A. Peekaboo, B. Ketchup, C. Pillow, D. Yogurt

And then there are the ones that are nothing like the word they represent, but Matthew and I have managed to decipher her foreign language:
A. Negaw
B. Batch-a-bee
C. Ssssssss
D. Sook
E. Dobby

Answers: A. Grandma (Kathy), B. Banana, C. Snowman, D. Spoon or fork, we're not sure. E. Doughnut.

Finally, it's fun to hear the phrases she's obviously repeating. Our favorite is when she exclaims, "no no, not nice!" in a very authoritative voice. We are often accused of being "not nice" when we sit in a chair she thinks is hers, or tell her to do something she doesn't want to do, and sometimes when it's not clear what our transgression is. This is not something we say in our house, so it must be something they hear at day care a lot! The first time I heard her tell me something was "not nice!" I nearly died with laughter. I've had to be more careful about since then, since there's no doubt she means to be taken seriously when she says it.


Mom/Nana said...

She has a vocabulary like her mom at that age. The people in stores were always amazed at your vocabulary. It's fun to see her's develop.

Jen said...

So cute! Henry is obsessed with 'that's not very nice!!!' completely understandable through tears even! Also, his crazy word is "honk-kah-kah' - the meaning changes, sometimes it's for a rice krispy treat, other times is something related to a dragon! Kids are so fun! Thanks for sharing. Love it.

Laura McNally said...

She is turning into such a fun little person, what fun each day must be for you!!!