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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Corn-on-the-Cob is Fun to Eat!

Myla isn't always the best eater as she seems to go through phases where she can't eat enough and then will refuse to eat three meals in a row. However, I have to say that she is a pretty neat eater for being two and rarely makes a big mess. This summer she tried corn-on-the-cob for the first time and loved it so much that it might even give mac 'n cheese a run as her favorite food. Here are some fun pictures and a video of her just going town! It cracks me up because she really tries to get every single kernel off the cob. I love how in the second video when the holder falls out of the ear of corn she takes the time to replace it before eating again.

1 comment:

Rita H said...

Too cute! Makes me want some corn on the cob. Smart kid putting the holder back in with ease.