At one, Luke is cruising and crawling very well, though not walking. He dances by bending his knees to the rhythm of the song, which is adorable. He talks and signs quite a bit--he has said mama, dada, ball, Pop, mum-mum, hi, and bye (though that list is not without controversy) and signs more, all done, and milk. He babbles and laughs all the time. Myla is dying to understand him--"What's he saying?!?" Luke loves to swing and play ball, to take baths and play chase with Myla. He loves walks, especially in the wagon.
Luke has lots of funny quirks and habits. He gnaws on his crib, or really anything he can get in his mouth. He loves to eat but won't touch or eat anything wet to the touch, which rules out most table food. He will dive out of your arms in an instant so you have to be vigilant when holding him. If he hears the gate to the stairs open he runs (crawls) to see who it is, and if you should happen to leave the gate open for a second he'll be halfway up them before you know it.
Physically, Luke's defining characteristics are his size and his hair. He's wearing 18-month clothes and even has some 2T t-shirts that fit him just fine. I honestly think I've improved my upper body strength in the last year from having to lift him. He isn't unusually chubby, just tall and big. And he gets a few extra inches from his hair! Luke's hair is a perfect predictor of the weather--on a humid day, it lays flat, but other days he looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket. We get comments on it all the time.
Luke has a very pleasant disposition and the sweetest face. He still doesn't sleep through the night reliably, and I often find myself woken from a dead sleep and crawling out of bed, mumbling curses under my breath. But as I pick him up, give him a bottle, and rock him, he's just so snuggly and sweet that in spite of myself I'm happy to be awake and to have those few minutes with him. And then, when he nuzzles his head into my shoulder and drifts back to sleep . . . well, I just don't think there's anything better than that.
Luke, we have all loved having you in our family this last year and can't wait to learn more about who you're going to be. I love you always, baby boy.
HAPPY HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY LUKE! We love you and miss you and wish we were there to celebrate with you.
Aunt Kelly, Uncle David & Lofton
wow - hard to believe your little man is one already. I'd like to add that I believe he will grow up to drive a large/"supped" up vehicle. And I'm sure I did not spell that correctly. But I'll explain. Yesterday I was driving home from the grocery and noticed Matthew outside raking and Luke sitting in the shade helping (aka supervising) from his stroller. The car in front of me was a large black suburban of some sort with tintded windows, fancy rims, and it was "jacked up" at least 6 inches higher than a regular car like that should be. As it drove by, Luke very distinctly turned it's head to watch that specific car drive away. It was pretty funny!
Grandma and Baw Baw
He's getting to be such a big boy. Hope his birthday was a good one! We enjoyed spending part of it with all of you.
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