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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pre-Birthday Post Marathon!

From now until Myla's birthday on June 5, we'll be posting every day (starting yesterday, actually). Today, I'll fill you in on some of the great things Myla has started doing lately. These last few weeks have been an especially fun time with her, as it seems like she does a new thing every day and she's just been an all-around happy camper.

For starters, she has become much more communicative. She does a few of her signs ("more" and "milk"), in addition to her gestures like bye-bye, hi, high-five, clapping, and pointing. She also says "daddy" pretty consistently, and even throws in a "mama" every now in then to keep me happy. She doesn't always say them in context, but sometimes she does. This past weekend, I realized that she understands a lot more than we know, when I showed her a picture of Matthew and me and asked her to point to Mama and to Daddy--and she did! To encourage her, I got really excited and clapped a lot, and so now when I ask her to do it she sometimes skips the pointing part and goes right to the clapping part. :)

The warm weather has also allowed Myla to have some new adventures--going swimming, going to the zoo, playing in a sandbox, and swinging at the playground. She seems brave and willing to try pretty much anything. She also loves being around other kids and gets right in there with them to play. But she's also really content to play by herself, and can entertain herself indefinitely with a bowl and spoon. I can't believe how easy-going she is, and how happy.

She's also picking up new skills, like feeding herself, using her sippy cup proficiently, and taking her shoes off within five seconds of getting in her car seat. She's moving around with ever-increasing speed, although she's not walking yet. I think she has the motor skills and balance to walk, but not the interest. She's pretty content to get where she's going by cruising or crawling. That's fine by me, since she's hard enough to keep up with right now!

Lest you think it's all sunshine all the time in our house, Myla may be learning the art of the tantrum. We haven't had any full-blown incidents yet, but we have seen the occasional leg-flailing or spontaneous tears when taking something away from her that she shouldn't have. We find ourselves saying "no" a lot more often, and the old "distract and divert" isn't working like it once did. In the next few months, Matthew and I will be learning the art and science of child discipline.

Finally, I'll say that one of the best things about Myla lately has been her smell. She still has her baby-smell, but now that it's summer it's mixed with the smell of the outdoors and of sunscreen. I told Matthew that this must be what heaven smells like. And when I smell it as she lays her head on my shoulder and nuzzles me, I'm pretty sure I'm already there.

Wow, sorry for the sappiness! But my baby is about to turn 1, so I'm entitled. :) Check back later this week and next for more photos and posts, and don't forget to submit your entries for the photo contest by June 1! (Click here for details)

1 comment:

kbfish said...

I LOVE posting marathons, specifically when they're about Myla!! :) Can't wait for the next week and a, then I get to see her!!
Bring it.
Aunt Kelly