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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kelly, David, & Beano Visit

We were thrilled to have David and Kelly (and their little bun) come visit us this Labor Day Weekend. Kelly does a full recap on their blog, complete with lots more pictures and a slide show. But I will add that we were so grateful for their baby sitting and house cleaning services on Sunday! That's right--my pregnant sister came to visit me, and while Matthew and I went to a baseball game, she and David not only kept our daughter but also cleaned our house. Kelly really is the most thoughtful and generous person I know. We're all lucky to have her and David around (and their Wii), and little Beano is one lucky future-kiddo!

Here are a couple of pictures of the weekend. For more, visit Kelly's blog!

1 comment:

Mom/Nana said...

A very nice looking group. Of course, I'm partial.