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Monday, November 23, 2009

This post made possible by antibiotics

So sorry for the lack of posting recently . . . our household has been sidelined by a major move, cross-country travel, and illness (sinus infection for Kasey, ear infections for Matthew & Myla, with a hole in the eardrum for Matthew!). But I can hear you say: "Don't give me excuses, give me results!" Okay, okay! Check back frequently in the future for updates on the last few months.

Here's a random smattering of pictures from (ahem) September. Let them remind you of sunnier days!

Myla on the playground

Reading the Sunday paper with Daddy

Hanging out with Nana and Pop while Mommy and Daddy go to the ND game:

Enjoying the rocking chair at Grandma and Grandpa's:


kbfish said...

OK, so I love the pictures...I was getting desperate for a posting. HOWEVER...for those of us that rarely see Myla and haven't seen her since September, recent pictures would be appreciated! Don't want to be picky, glad to have anything, but just saying!!
Glad everyone is feeling better.
Aunt Kelly

Jen said...

Sounds like a crazy couple of weeks! Glad your all on the mend. xoxo

Kasey said...

Kelly, recent pictures are coming. I'm just going in chronological order (roughly).