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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crazy Hair Day

Myla's day care had "Spirit Week" last week. Each day had a different theme, like Pajama Day or Class Color Day. I was most looking forward to Crazy Hair Day, because, let's face it, the girl was born for it. Unfortunately she's not too keen on letting me play with her hair for very long, so the best I could do was put her in pigtails. Not super-crazy, but super-adorable.

However, even as I put her in them, I thought "if I know day care (and I think I do), this hair will look a lot crazier by the time I pick her up." Day care did not disappoint. Here are some of the "after" pictures:
Lookin' good!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Myla is the cutest but I LOVE daycare hair. It's insane how they 're-do' ponytails and how tight they get them in! So fun. Thanks for sharing.