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Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 Week Checkup

We had Luke's 2-week checkup this morning, and all is well. He now weighs 9 lb., 13 oz. and is 22 1/2 inches long. That's some impressive growth since birth, even with the corrected birth weight of 8 lb. 11 oz.! So he's eating well to say the least. Percentiles are 93rd for height and 73rd for weight. I find it remarkable that 1/4 of all boys are actually bigger than this at 2 weeks!

We've been a bit slow with the posts, but hopefully I'll get some up soon, now that we're in a more regular routine. Stay tuned!


Gammaw/Mom said...

Glad to hear he is doing well. They grow so quickly.
Love to all!

Allison said...

What a big boy! I don't think Saraya reached 9 lbs until she was 2 months old...certainly not when she was two weeks. Then again, she did start out half of Luke's size! I can't wait to meet the little boy and see Myla play with him. Love you!

lbuckles said...


Sounds like you all are doing the right things. Can't wait to see him and Myla. Love you all