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Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day Home Alone with Two Kids: Successes and Failures

* Only entertained Myla with television for <30 minutes (two Bob the Builders and a Thomas the Train)
* Brushed teeth.
* Managed not to cry myself while coming down the stairs with a crying Luke in my arms and a crying Myla asking to be carried.
* Ate lunch. Though this only happened because Matthew came home to help on his lunch hour; otherwise I would not have eaten all day.
* All three of us survived.

* Entertained Myla with television.
* Other than brushing teeth, did nothing to maintain personal hygiene.
* Total time with both kids sleeping: 10 minutes.
* With both kids in the car and Myla doing something I deemed dangerous, I told her if she didn't stop I would stop the car and make her walk home. I realized how ridiculous it was before I even said it, but had nothing else to go with. Fortunately the whole thing went over her head.

Day one was a bit rough but I'm a fast learner, so here's hoping for a better Round Two! :)


Mom/Kathy said...

Kasey, Sounds like you did have a rough day, so I hope the next one is easier. You and Matthew are great parents! Just take it one day at a time,and be easy on yourself. Love you!

Mandy Kinnucan said...

I wish I would have read this before I saw you last night! Mom is right -- be easy on yourself! I love the fact that in the midst of chaos and craziness, you're still hilarious. Keep your sense of humor and you -- and your kiddos -- will be just fine. Even if you stink just a bit...which happens nearly every other day at my house. :) Love ya!

Mom/Nana said...

Sometimes you just do the best you can. Everyone will survive and be OK. I'm always amazed at what a great Mom you are and proud of you!

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful mom and you just have to get used to assessing which need I'd the most urgent (including your own needs!) you'll be in a routine of sorts in no time those blaze kids are lucky to have such a loving ma! Xoxo - jen