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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Excellent Question

Myla has a little worksheet she has do to for "homework" and bring to the first day of school.  It has little tasks on it, like "draw a picture of something you did this summer," or "write the names of five books you read."  But one task asked us to "Go for a walk and write down something you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste."  I read this to Myla and she looks at me with this incredulous expression and says, "Taste?!?  How am I supposed to taste something on a walk?!?"  I start laughing, so then she does this little act where she says, "Here's some poison ivy, I'm going to put it in my mouth!"

That's a really good point.  Not sure whose idea it was to send kindergartners out on walks to taste things! Fortunately we have some cherry tomatoes in our garden, so we decided to end our walk there.

UPDATE:  In the car on the way home from school, I mentioned that today was the day we were planning to do the walk.  Myla says, "Do we really have to go on the walk? Couldn't we just say we did those things?"  So she figured out how to cheat on her first-ever homework assignment.


Nana/Mom said...

That's one sharp girl!

Nana/Mom said...

PS-The Bingo game brings back memories. We did that when TV in the car was just a dream.